A Woman's Resource Programs
As we work with business, organizations and individuals, we can bring women's programs to your community. Please take a moment and read through some of our most popular programs.

Placing Pets With Veterans Through Guardians of Angels
This group of dedicated volunteers works hard to find homes for rescue dogs as well as those in dog mills. We started this program for Veterans who want a pet. These dogs need love and care and will love you unconditionally! There is a fee for the dogs to cover their doctor bills and transportation, and often, we must actually purchase the pups to save them. We also work with local shelters to find the right pet for you.
Veteran's Hobbies at Work
We enjoy having the support of Veterans. Veterans who want to share hobbies can contact us at 315 559 2942 to participate in this program. We are always looking for Veterans who make their craft, whether it is knitting blankets, hats, scarfs, or woodworking whistles and jewelry boxes; we would love to have you join us. When donations are available, we will supply the materials for you to make your craft at your own pace, then donate it to A Woman's Resource. Please consider participating in this program.
A Woman's Resource Clothing Boutique
We look forward to the opening of a boutique that will serve our female Veterans. A place to sit, relax, have a cup of tea, or browse through free career or casual clothing. Need a special outfit or a few infant supplies? We will have a variety of items available for you to choose from. If your organization is looking for a special program for female Veterans, give us a call. We know you will be pleased with the outcome.